16 Sep, 2023

Australia Skilled Worker Visa 2024: Requirements, Benefits and How to Apply

Australia is an incredibly popular destination for skilled migrants who wish to move overseas for greener pastures. The Australia Skilled Worker Visa (Skillselect) is for individuals or families looking to migrate to Australia permanently to take up careers and opportunities with shortage of workers. The Australia Skilled Worker Visa is designed to attract workers who wish to make a […]

5 mins read

Sweden Universities Listings and Scholarships 2024

Most Swedish universities are ranked among the top 100 universities in the world. The Swedish educational system lays more emphasis on group study, independent study, and project-based study so that students can learn by practice. The universities attract thousands of students each year with their numerous scholarships and high-quality education. The 50 best universities in […]

17 mins read

Emory University Scholar Programs 2023/24 for Studies in USA

Applications are invited from suitably qualified applicants for the Emory University Scholar Programs 2023/24 for international students wishing to study in the United States of America for the 2023/2024 academic session.Emory University offers partial to full merit-based scholarships as part of the Emory University Scholar programs. The program aims to empower students through resources and support to reach […]

1 min read